Tuesday, March 27, 2012



A little crazy the last couple of days. I just moved out of my house after a spat with my roommate/ex girlfriend. As complicated as that sounds, what is more crazy is the night I spent sleeping in my car. I figured a night in the car would make for a good blog story. I hope the pain and suffering I endured makes it so.

Quick rundown. I was out until 1 AM so I figured I only was going to have to sleep in the car for 6 hours. I had to be at my old house to pack my things at 7 AM so sleep was not that big of a need. I grabbed two slices of pizza and a Gatorade to enjoy during my "auto slumber party". I am 6ft 4 and was under the impression that a fully reclines car seat would be comfortable. I was DEAD wrong. I had my comforter that I picked up at Walmart (after I was eye molested by a 400 pound women in a Snuggie and flip flops) and a pillow. After the late night dinner I put on ESPN and tried to sleep. A couple of things stopped this from happening.

Late night radio is usually calming. Not this night. If I had to hear any more about Tim Tebow and how great Kentucky basketball was, I was going to spork my ear canals. Didn't anybody get the memo that Tebow has an arm like a paralyzed infant and Kentucky basketball should be renamed "NBA Minor League Team"? It's just that simple. How many callers need to rehash what the world already knows about both subjects.

I tried listening to other things like classical music, but after 4 minutes of that, I felt the pizza coming back up through my throat. I mean, I guess the reason why old people love classical music is because they forget what they just heard 3 minutes earlier. It gets repetitive AWFULLY quickly. After fumbling with the radio, I settled in with soul music from the 70's. If that couldn't get me in the sleeping mood, nothing would.

After dozing off a bit, I forgot that I move when I sleep. Every hour I would wake up from a great dream of me with some hot brunette girl finding my gear shift rammed ever so uncomfortably in my backside. If their was every a reason for Ford to put a set of boobies and silicone on the end of a gear stick, this was it. Add the fact the steering wheel was ever so close to my groin, and suffice to say I felt like Andy Dufrane in "The Shawshank Redemption". 

Eventually, the sun came up and I awoke bleary eyed. When I went into the house to grab my stuff, my ex asked me where I spent the night. When I responded "Mama, this soul brotha was laying low on the smooth tip of town". I knew that the night couldn't have been all THAT bad. Gotta love the power of continuous 70's soul music on the brain!

Peace out brothas and sistas.



MARCH STATS: 69-83-5
NCAA BB:  25-28

NBA:   17-25-1

NHL:   27-30-4 

179-146-17 +$2021.00 ($100 A BET)


The 45 PREMIUM PLAY promotion is back with a twist. We will give you 45 PLAYS FOR FREE. If the plays do not net a profit, we will give you a whole month for free. If the plays do hit a profit, you agree to sign up with us for a month at our regular price. Email SPORTSILLUMINATI@HOTMAIL.COM  if you are interested.


www.realsportslounge.com/ is a sports forum site that I have checked out recently. Good group of people over there with interesting insight on all topics sports and pop culture related. Also they have an interesting way of letting you show appreciation or disgust with a post or thread. This site is a good time killer.
www.thehockeyprogram.net   is a site for all things hockey. The guy that runs this site is not only extremely passionate about hockey, but spends a crazy amount of time talking about it online. I have been following him this NHL season and if you have seen our NHL record, you can understand why this site has a lot to offer.

www.danielle-dowling.com is a blog about women and dating culture. You may ask why a sports themed blog would recommend this. Fact is most guys need a little insight into women. This blog which is updated regularly gives us guys a look into the female psyche which is akin to having inside information on a sporting event. Read this weekly, and you will find yourself having a better understanding on what a girl wants and what makes her happy.


Minnesota/Memphis OVER 201 -110

183-155-12  +$1539.00 


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