Monday, March 12, 2012



Just a quick bio about myself. I am a tall (6ft 4) 37 year old guy that looks 27 and acts 21. I have all my hair, but still get called Al Bundy on one occasion daily. I live with my ex girlfriend and I serve drinks at a bar 3 times a week. My entire life has focused around gambling, partying, and looking for my next 24 hour soul mate.  

With that in mind, dating for me is like taking the Greyhound Bus cross country. I do it because every experience is crazy and at times uncomfortable. 

New York city is a major stop for stewardesses across the country. One night, I was drinking at a watering hole nears Hell's Kitchen with a friend when a way to attractive woman walks in. The bar itself wasn't anything spectacular, but this girl brought an aura into the place. As she sat alone, I waited to see if she was waiting on anyone. After about 30 minutes, I knew she was there solo and I decided to bring her into the conversation I was having with my friend. The banter between the three of us quickly became banter between the two of us. My friend Bobby, (the great friend he is) pulled back and played it beautifully. The guy will always be the #1 wing man to me. 

The girl (we will call Claudia) mentioned she was hungry and in a city with restaurants open 25 hours a day, we broke out of the bat and headed to a sushi place nearby. As we walked to the restaurant, she began to tell me she was a stewardess for Southwestern and she wanted to fly my here and there and all this other stuff usually relegated to husbands or long time boyfriends. Undeterred, I ate it up and was already planning my first flight to Bora Bora. When we got to the restaurant, she became more affectionate and I knew the night was going to be killer. What I did not know is the only thing killed would be my manhood.

After late night sushi, we headed back to her hotel room, where things quickly escalated. I will spare you the details, but we consummated the "relationship" like a unicorn to a rainbow. Fireworks bursting and with visions of trains entering tunnels. Afterwords, I laid in bed and she retreated to the bathroom. After about 15 minutes I heard crying then sobbing coming from the bathroom. I went to inspect and found her on the bathroom floor naked with her phone next to her. As I tried to console her, I come to find out her and her boyfriend had broken up the day before and she missed him dearly. She them proceeded to tell me that she only slept with me to get back at him (which I still don't get how that works but anyway). As the cries became all out heaving I tried to console her. As I held her and rocked her back and forth (don't ask) I said "Maybe it's best that I go". Keep in mind it was 3AM. Best thing is I still asked if I could have her number for the discount airline tickets.

Yep, this pretty much sums up my love life. Oh, and I haven't flown in years.

MARCH STATS: 40-36-1

NCAA BB:  16-12
NBA:   9-9-1
NHL:   15-13        

The 45 PREMIUM play promotion is back with a twist. We will give you 45 plays for free. If the plays do not net a profit, we will give you a whole month for free. If the plays do hit a profit, you agree to sign up with us for a month at our regular price.  Email if you are interested in our services or have any questions.

NHL: $50 Rest of the season. NHL record is 168-129-13 +$2526.00 ($100 A BET)
NCAA BB: $50   All plays including March Madness
NBA: $80  Rest of season (Roughly 100 plays)
All Sport 30 Day Package: $100   (Roughly 100 plays)

LINKS OF THE WEEK: is a sports forum site that I have checked out recently. Good group of people over there with interesting insight on all topics sports and pop culture related. Also they have an interesting way of letting you show appreciation or disgust with a post or thread. This site is a good time killer. If you sign up for the site and post, I will email you a PREMIUM play FREE. Email us with your username at after you post for the play.   is a site for all things hockey. The guy that runs this site is not only extremely passionate about hockey, but spends a crazy amount of time talking about it online. I have been following him this NHL season and if you have seen our NHL record, you can understand why this site has a lot to offer. is a blog about women and dating culture. You may ask why a sports themed blog would recommend this. Fact is most guys need a little insight into women. This blog which is updated regularly gives us guys a look into the female psyche which is akin to having inside information on a sporting event. Read this weekly, and you will find yourself having a better understanding on what a girl wants and what makes her happy.

Chicago/New York UNDER 197.5  -110


177-142-12  +$2339.00 

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